What Distinguishes Our Academic Medical Enterprise:
Educational Excellence and Innovation: The GW academic medical enterprise has a reputation for leadership and innovation in medical and health sciences education. We will continue that tradition through an innovative curriculum, an emphasis on population health, health equity and antiracism, support for faculty excellence, and the application of new educational technologies across all our learning environments.

Goal 1: Academic Excellence and Innovation
Deliver world-class and innovative academic programs in a supportive environment by expert faculty to passionate and prepared learners across the GW academic medical enterprise.
We will provide world-class, integrated, and innovative academic programs through application of cutting-edge innovations in our pedagogy and educational technologies across all our campus sites. Our academic programs will reflect fundamental knowledge and the latest developments in medical and health sciences education to produce outstanding leaders as health care professionals. We will excel as a world-class academic medical enterprise by intentional recruitment, retention and promotion of passionate, prepared and diverse faculty, students, and trainees.
- Action 1.1
Establish new Family Medicine residency program.
Metric(s): New Family Medicine residency program. Timeline: 2023-26 Status: In Progress: Early development underway. - Action 1.2
Create and implement a Clinical Public Health Track program for GW GME programs, broaden the clinical experiences of our learners by integration of population health into training and practice, broaden CPH curriculum beyond the MD program into the PA program.
Metric(s): - Design and begin to implement GME CPH Track curriculum by Jan 2024.
- Enroll at least 8 participants into Track program by Jan 2024, including at least one from a GWUH-based GME program and one from a CNH-based program.
- Enroll at least 4 additional participants into Track program by Aug 2024, including at least one from a GWUH-based GME program and one from a CNH-based program.
- Enroll at least 1 participant from a surgical GME program by Aug 2026.
- Design one interactive learning session demonstrating application of population health principles in the field of each core MD student clinical rotation by Jan 2025. Implement for MS3 class in AY 26.
- Implement at least 1 CPH learning activity for a shared group of MD and PA learners by June 2025.
Timeline: 2023-26 Status: - Completed: The GME CPH Track program launched successfully in Jan 2024.
- Completed: The GME CPH Track program has three tracks and 10 total learners – 6 GWU-based and 4 CNH-based residents.
- In Progress: Applications are currently open. Anticipate selection of participants by July 2024.
- Not Yet Started.
- In Progress: First and second session completed in primary care clerkship 6/13. IM clerkship completed 6/6. Will deliver in Surgery clerkship by 8/25 and OBGYN clerkship by 10/6.
- In Progress: Planning in progress with Associate Dean for Population Health Practice and Chair of Dept of PA Studies.
- Design and begin to implement GME CPH Track curriculum by Jan 2024.
- Action 1.3
Enhance coordination with GW undergraduate programs to encourage recruitment of known talent. Establish a collaborative pre-med advising program by leaders in medical education, admissions and Columbian College of Arts and Sciences advisers.
Metric(s): Increase the number of GW undergraduates applying to MD, PA, PhD and MS programs at GW and other professional schools at universities across the nation.
Increase applications from GW undergraduates who are historically underrepresented in medicine over the next 3 years.Timeline: 2024-26 Status: In Progress. - Action 1.4
Ensure excellent student and trainee well-being and educational facilities. Establish and staff Office of Student Support (OSS) with a mission to provide academic support, mental health support and build community for all students within the MD and health sciences programs.
Metric(s): - Establish Office of Student Support.
- Open healthy and affordable dining option in Ross Hall.
- Improve quality of student lounge space.
- Renovate gross anatomy lab student changing space.
- Learner climate surveys - to include all MD and health sciences students, including online learners.
Timeline: 2023 Status: - Completed: OSS Established and operational.
- Completed: Bistro operational.
- Completed: Modifications made to student lounge.
- Completed: Anatomy changing room is operational.
- Completed: MD program survey, In Progress – Health Science program survey.
- Establish Office of Student Support.
- Action 1.5
Invest in the health, wellness, and career advancement of the entire academic medical enterprise community.
- Prioritize the development of faculty and staff to increase professional identity and interprofessional teams.
- Continue to refine the MD coaching program focusing on competencies and professional identify formation.
- Create faculty development mentoring programs for promotion.
Metric(s): - Complete SMHS Faculty engagement survey in March 2024.
- Increase Student satisfaction with changes made to the MD coaching program.
- Increase the number of promotions to the rank of associate professors or higher.
Timeline: 2023-26 Status: - In Progress.
- Standpoint Faculty Survey planned for March 2024.
- Coordination of Coaching w/ Roadmap to residency, performance based exam video, & clerkship debriefs underway.
- Action 1.6
Maintain ACGME commendation status for the institution and full accreditation for all GME programs.
Metric(s): Maintain ACGME commendation & full GME program accreditation. Timeline: 2023-2026 Status: New ACGME accreditation status.
Continued accreditation with commendation. (Jan. 2024). - Action 1.7
Develop Strategic Plan for Clinical Public Health and Population Health Practice Program (CPHPHP).
Metric(s): Completed Clinical Public Health and Population Health Practice Program strategic plan. Timeline: 2023 Status: Completed.
Goal 2: Strategic Partnerships
Expand local and regional partnerships to benefit community partners, advise strategies and provide high-quality opportunities for education, training and research.
Expanding community-responsive partnerships throughout the local region will benefit our academic medical enterprise, enhance our faculty and learner scope of practice and support our communities to improve individual, community and population health.
- Action 2.1
Enhance our clinical partnerships to better serve our catchment area and meet the needs of MD and PA program learners. In collaboration with community partners, develop student and faculty opportunities at Children’s National Hospital, the LifeBridge Health System, and the DC VA to better serve the community. Expand our clinical partnerships at Anne Arundel Medical Center and Sinai Hospital to increase clinical rotation sites to meet the needs of MD and PA program learners and the communities we serve.
Metric(s): - Successfully establish a Regional Medical Campus (RMC).
- Launch initial clinical years cohort in Spring 2023 with 5-10 students. Goal of cohort class of 20-30 students for matriculation in 2024.
- Number of MD and PA program clerkships at Ann Arundel Medical Center to four in 2024.
Timeline: 2023 - first clinical years cohort.
2024 - full program launch.Status: - Completed: Regional Medical Campus at Mt. Sinai established 2023.
- Completed: 15 students enrolled for AY2024-2025.
- In Progress for 2024.
- Successfully establish a Regional Medical Campus (RMC).
Goal 3: Support Equity
Recruit and train health care workforce that includes candidates from backgrounds that have traditionally been excluded to better serve the needs of all patients.
A diverse health care workforce will better serve a diverse patient population and promote health equity. Medical and health sciences professionals and researchers from different backgrounds bring unique perspectives and experiences that builds trusting clinician-patient relationships, improves communication and ensures better outcomes and patient satisfaction.
- Action 3.1
Reduce financial barriers to SMHS academic programs to increase the number of learners who come from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Metric(s): - Reduce relative debt ranking to at or below the median of comparable institutions.
- Increase donor support of student scholarships by 25% over the previous 3-years.
- Enhance donor support assured by “Power and Promise” giving.
Timeline: 2022-26 Status: - Median Medical School debt kept at 200K for 3rd year in a row.
- Donor support of student scholarship increased by 25% 2022 to 2023.
- Power and Promise giving average has increased to $3.2 million. Twenty (20) new scholarship endowment funds and 16 new spendable scholarship funds have been created.
- Reduce relative debt ranking to at or below the median of comparable institutions.
- Action 3.2
Increase the representational diversity of students, faculty and staff through enhanced recruitment, retention, and leadership development of individuals from marginalized and underrepresented groups.
Metric(s): Underrepresented in medicine (AAMC) and GW SMHS data. Timeline: 2023-26 Status: MD Students, Faculty and Senior Administrative Staff – AY 23-24.
Diversity Category MD All Students Number (%) Employed/FT Faculty Number (%) Senior Administrative Staff Number (%) Black/African American 82 (11.3%) 111 (8.9%) 3 (8.3%) Hispanic/Latino 71 (9.89%) 55 (4.4%) 1 (2.8%) Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 80 (11%) Women 390 (53.8%) 713 (57%) 12 (33%) First generation college 58 (8%) - Action 3.3
Expand enrollment in pathway and pipeline programs for the health sciences.
Metric(s): Increase the number of students entering Health Sciences degree programs from guaranteed admission agreement (GAA) programs with community colleges by 20% in 3 years. Timeline: 2022-26 Status: In Progress.